When creating your own yearbook design in InDesign, there are specific page dimensions to follow for your page background images. An entire spread final file size (including the bleed) is 11.25”h x 17.25”w. A half page final file size (including the bleed) is 8.75”w x 11.25”h. The following will explain how to set those up and how to save them correctly to upload to Treering.
The Indesign page, spread and cover templates are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Creating an 11"h x 17"w Page Spread for an 8.5x11 Book
In InDesign, choose file / new / document.
Change the width to 17”. Change the height to 11”.
Margins: Enter .125" in the margins section for top, bottom, inside and outside dimensions.
Bleed and Slug: Enter .125” in the bleed section for top, bottom, inside and outside dimensions.
Click OK.
Saving an 11"h x 17"w Page Spread
Once you have your page designed follow these instructions to save it.
In InDesign, choose file / export.
Change the Format drop-down to JPEG, name your file appropriately, and then click Save.
In the Save window, choose the pages that you want to save. Make sure Spreads is selected.
Under Image, confirm that Quality is High, Resolution is 300ppi, and Color Space is RGB.
The Use Document Bleed Settings checkbox should be checked. This will save the image with the bleed. It’s very important that your file includes bleed and the final page dimensions are 11.25”h x 17.25”w. This will ensure the best print quality and that images don’t get cut off.
Creating an 8.5x11 Page
In InDesign, choose file / new / document.
Change the width to 8.5”. Change the height to 11”.
Margins: Enter .125" in the margins section for top, bottom, inside and outside dimensions.
Bleed and Slug: Enter .125” in the bleed section for top, bottom, inside and outside dimensions.
Click OK.
Saving an 8.5x11 Page
Once you have your page designed follow these instructions to save it.
In InDesign, choose file / export.
Change the Format drop-down to JPEG, name your file appropriately, and then click Save.
In the Save window, choose the pages that you want to save. Make sure Pages is selected.
Under Image, make sure that Quality is High, and Resolution is 300ppi, and Color Space is RGB.
The Use Document Bleed Settings checkbox should be checked. This will save the image with the bleed.
Creating A Cover For Your 8.5x11 Yearbook
Here's how to create a cover including the spine for the yearbook. InDesign Creative Cloud allows the options to create different page sizes within the same document using the Pages tool. There is a great video tutorial that Adobe has made available if you wish to learn more about this tool. https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/atv/cs5-cs55-tutorials/mixing-page-sizes-with-the-new-page-tool.html
Creating Your Cover Document
The final page size of your cover will need to be 18.562”w X 12.25”h, plus the width of the spine. For this example the spine width is .797”.
Create a new document with the dimensions of 8.781”w X 11.25”h.
Add .5” bleed to top, bottom, inside, and outside.
Click OK.
In your Pages tab, click on the menu bar with the down arrow in the top, right corner.
Add 2 pages to your document. It should look like this:
Uncheck Allow Document Pages to Shuffle.
With both pages 2 and 3 selected in your Pages tab, click again on the menu bar with the down arrow in the top, right corner.
Click Insert Pages.
We’re creating the spine, so choose After Page next to Insert and select 2. Set Master to none.
In the top menu, choose Layout / Margins and Columns. Set the margins to zero.
With the Pages tool selected (third tool from the top in the toolbar), select the middle page.
The toolbar at the top of the screen changes. You can enter in the dimensions that you would like your spine. In this case the spine is .797” wide. Select Enter and your middle page changes size and is now your spine.
You’re now ready to design your page.
An image has been added to this cover page and is ready to export.
In the menu at the top choose File / Export.
Name your file, in the drop-down choose JPEG, and click Save.
Choose the cover page range, in this case it’s 2-4. Choose Spreads. Make sure Quality is Medium, and Resolution is 300ppi.
Check off the boxes Embed Color Profile, Anti-Alias, and Use Document Bleed Settings. Document Bleed Settings must be checked off in order to save the document with the .5” bleeds we set up at the beginning of this process.
After the InDesign pages have been created and saved as JPEGs they can be uploaded as photos in Treering.
The photos can then be added as backgrounds to your yearbook pages.
Adding a Photo as a Page Background
Download InDesign Templates
11x17 InDesign Page Spread
8.5x11 InDesign Page
Cover InDesign 20-50 Pages
Cover InDesign 52-100 Pages
Cover InDesign 102-160 Pages
Cover InDesign 162-210 Pages
Cover InDesign 212-260 Pages
Cover InDesign 262-320 Pages
Cover InDesign 322-370 Pages